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Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Bankrupt FHA and HUD to Bail Out Bankruptcy Foreclosure Home Owners
Another of the mortgage industry bailout plans proposed by Congress and the President has been to use the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) to guarantee loans for homeowners to avoid foreclosure. While this has been one of the lesser-discussed options to solve the housing crisis, it represents ...
Chapter 13 Refinance Bankruptcy Code
Many people who have filed bankruptcy know little about the process. Often times debtors are unaware of their options in a chapter 13 because they rely on their attorney; their attorney has a fiduciary relationship with the debtor. A bankruptcy attorney's job is to know bankruptcy law, not the ...
Colorado REO Buying Opportunities In a Bad Market
There are many different approaches you can take when buying a distressed piece of real estate, however the easiest way is to deal directly with an R.E.O. specialist who has the inventory and listings of the properties in distress. R.E.O. specialists are real estate agents, however perform alot ...
Is $200 Billion Enough To Help The Real Estate Market?
The Federal Reserve Bank has been taking a beating when it comes to how it has moved to handle the current financial and economic situation. The announcement of what is essentially a 200 billion dollar financing plan signals a change in direction. At this point in time, there is really no more ...
Understanding Subprime Lending And Its Implications To The Current Graduate Student
IN THE BEGINNING In a manner similar to the numerous economic crises before it, the subprime lending bust actually began decades before anyone knew it. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 pushed banks to extend more credit in communities where they operated. This drew many lenders to ...
$200 Billion Federal Reserve Mortgage Bailout for Banks, $0 for Homeowners in Foreclosure
After the $200 billion bailout offered to the banking system this week, it is becoming more clear by the day that the banks are completely insolvent. The Federal Reserve is making a futile attempt to stave off collapse by stealing even more money from the public through inflation and trading new ...
Help to Stop Foreclosure from Family and Friends
Possibly the most overlooked way to stop foreclosure is for a friend or family member to purchase the property that is being foreclosed and allow the original homeowners to remain living there, and this is a much better option than the tried-and-true "beg, borrow, or steal" alternative. In essence, ...
Project Lifeline Only Contributes to the Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis
The government and the banks have come up with a new propaganda program designed to provide artificial hope to the declining real estate markets. Purported to help homeowners in foreclosure work with their mortgage companies, Project Lifeline, as it has been named, is another poor effort by the ...
The Foreclosure Crisis a Result of Psychopaths Running the Economy
"The banks deserve to fail for all the bad loans they made." "The government needs to step in and protect homeowners from fraudulent loans and greedy mortgage companies." "Homeowners should not get a bailout from the government because they were just gambling on rising property values." In all of ...
How to Pick the Right Foreclosure Assistance Company and Avoid Scams
Most homeowners in foreclosure eventually turn to a source of outside help to receive assistance to save their homes. This may be through consulting with an attorney to discuss filing bankruptcy to stop foreclosure, applying for a bailout loan from a mortgage broker, or seeking loss mitigation ...