Search results: foreclosure laws in California information
Articles on foreclosure laws in California from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
California Foreclosure and Actions
When you are considering California foreclosure and actions, it is important to remember that these homes are residences reclaimed by the banks due to the homeowner's inability to make payments. Foreclosures and actions make up bankruptcy, learning to buy foreclosed homes, looking for foreclosed ...
Anticipated Changes To The Federal Bankruptcy Laws Maybe Pending
House Democratic members from North Carolina and California, respectively, recently propose legislation that would repeal the mortgage exception in the federal bankruptcy code. This legislation would allow a judge to change the priority value of primary residence mortgages or alter interest rates ...
San Diego Foreclosures- Your Discount Ticket To The Good Life?
The San Diego Foreclosures Process The California laws which dictate the way in which San Diego foreclosures are handled result in an approximately four-month out-of-court process. Because San Diego foreclosures are not subject to Court oversight, lenders seeking to foreclose on a San Diego ...
A Foreclosure Process Timeline
In order to stop foreclosure one must understand the foreclosure process. Foreclosure process differs in every state, and it is best that you as a homeowner understands and know the foreclosure process, as well as, the timeline. You, as the borrower, would be able to make a good or perhaps better ...
Timeline for Foreclosure - How Much Time You Have To Save Your Home Depends on Your State Laws
The timeline for foreclosure depends on the laws of your individual state. For instance, foreclosures can occur as quickly as 30 days in Alabama and take up to 10 months in Delaware. This article gives you the approximate timeline for foreclosure in each state. Alabama - 30-60 days Alaska - 90 days ...
Stop Foreclosure in California - CA Homeowners - You Can Save Your Home
While the number of foreclosures is rising across the country, California is being hit particularly hard by the subprime mortgage crisis. If you and your family are currently facing foreclosure or fear you may no longer be able to afford your monthly mortgage payments, you are not alone. The good ...
Foreclosure Consulting - States Outline The Difference Between A Consultant And A Purchaser
Many homeowners facing foreclosure may decide to sell their homes to an investor. Unfortunately, investors have not always been above board in their dealings with homeowners, and several property holders have found themselves holding empty promises and bad debts while the investor walks away with ...
California Real Estate Foreclosure Law
When you consider California real estate foreclosure law, it is important to know what questions you need answers to before venturing in research. California has a wide selection of laws. The laws cover topics, such as associating disputes, rights act for basic interest development, consumer rights ...
Foreclosure Basics
Foreclosures have become a major political issue. Foreclosure is the legal process in which a bank or other secured creditor sells or repossesses a parcel of real property (immovable property) after the owner has failed to comply with an agreement between the lender and borrower called a "mortgage" ...
Mobile Home Foreclosure
Mobile home foreclosures are not a regular occurrence due to the fact that most mobile home loans are made through private lenders, when a person defaults on the loan, the home will be repossessed as if it were a car. Then the owner has about 30 days depending on the terms of their agreement to ...