Search results: stop foreclosure in Colorado information
Articles on stop foreclosure in Colorado from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
How to Lose Your Home: The Cost of Poor Advice When Facing a Foreclosure
In February 2006, Jennifer and Roger Roberson found themselves unable to make their mortgage payments after Roger, a 37 year old father of two, lost his job as a technician for a major high-tech firm in New Jersey. They received notice from their lender that the foreclosure process was being ...
Colorado Foreclosures- Plenty To Go Around
Colorado is a state famous for firsts: it was the home of the world's first rodeo; its voters were the he first state to elect women to the state legislature; it was the first to offer a delicacy known as Rocky Mountain Oysters; and it is currently the US leader for the number of its homes in ...
Foreclosure Epidemic Causing Homeowners To Burn Their Houses Down
Many of these torched homes are in foreclosure, and they are being burnt down, in some instances, the day before a foreclosure sale. Insurance companies and police forces understand the nature of their intention, and quote that they will get caught. To the unwittingly distressed homeowner, they ...
Foreclosure Scam Artists Are Still Looking For New Victims - What Can You Do To Protect Yourself?
Falling behind on monthly mortgage payments has to be the #1 thing homeowners dread experiencing. No one intends to let this happen, but life is often unpredictable and throws us for a loop. Job loss, death, and illness are the primary reasons people experience financial strain. This in turn often ...
Timeline for Foreclosure - How Much Time You Have To Save Your Home Depends on Your State Laws
The timeline for foreclosure depends on the laws of your individual state. For instance, foreclosures can occur as quickly as 30 days in Alabama and take up to 10 months in Delaware. This article gives you the approximate timeline for foreclosure in each state. Alabama - 30-60 days Alaska - 90 days ...
Foreclosures - What Can Be Done To Stop The Housing Crisis?
Foreclosures are escalating in the United States, with millions of people being forced out of their homes and into bankruptcy. Florida tops the housing crisis with more than 20,000 foreclosure filings in 2007, while California and Texas are close behind. Arizona reports foreclosures rose over ...
Foreclosure Consulting - States Outline The Difference Between A Consultant And A Purchaser
Many homeowners facing foreclosure may decide to sell their homes to an investor. Unfortunately, investors have not always been above board in their dealings with homeowners, and several property holders have found themselves holding empty promises and bad debts while the investor walks away with ...
Selling Your Home in Denver
Recently, there have been many innovative ideas in the realty market, as sellers realize that an extra push is needed to sell some homes. Although the Denver real estate market outperformed all but four of twenty markets in the country, home prices still fell by 3%, from figures released on ...
Colorado Foreclosure Facts
Colorado has made headlines in past months as the reluctant recipient of the dubious honor of being the nation's foreclosure capital. Foreclosures in Colorado were the highest among all 50 states for both the second and third quarters of 2006. Colorado foreclosures are on track to rise 25 percent ...
How Florida Refinance Mortgage Rates Can Save You from Bad Hair Days
Who wouldn't have a bad mood when your hair is killing you just to style it? Even if you have that perennially perfect hair, there are days when your hair is simply as dry as the Death Valley and as unmanageable as that kitten entangled in yarn. Especially when you're stressed out from work and ...