Search results: foreclosure help center information
Articles on foreclosure help center from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Missouri May Show The Rest Of The Country How To Recover From The Foreclosure Debacle
How is one state addressing the current real estate foreclosure situation? Missouri like so many other states during 2006 experienced a dramatic rise in the total number of properties involved in some stage of foreclosure, yet the "show me" state isn't sitting idly by and allowing any moss to grow ...
Assistance in the Foreclosure Process
I receive an extraordinary number of phone calls and emails from people that want to learn how to save their homes or save their credit. Why am I getting all of the phone calls? What do I ask the callers and can I really do anything to help them? The Market According to the Daily Real Estate News, ...
Foreclosure- Why Lenders Are Reaching Out To Assist Struggling Homeowners
As home foreclosures begin to mount throughout the country, mortgage companies are becoming increasingly proactive by sending letters, making phone calls and in some cases even knocking on doors to let struggling homeowners know : They'd rather modify a loan than foreclose on the home. According to ...
Huntsville Alabama Mortgage - Good Credit, Bad Credit
In a large part, Huntsville Alabama real estate market has weathered the mortgage foreclosures storms that are now raking and riving the nation. Even in other parts of Alabama, like in Jefferson County, whose financial center is Birmingham, the situation is dire. The county is now considering on ...
The Hidden Treasures and Profits of Probate Investing
To make money in real estate you need an advantage over your competition. So why not just eliminate them! Now I don't mean you need to go out and create a bunch of probate by whacking all your competition. What I do mean is that you need to play real estate the same way I would like for my favorite ...
Will Bankruptcy Laws Be Changed To Help Homeowners In Foreclosure?
Consumer and civil rights advocates are fighting for legislation to pass in Congress designed to help foreclosure victims save their homes and avoid eviction with the help of the bankruptcy courts. This bill making changes to existing bankruptcy laws and the power of judges is supported by many ...
Bush Unveils Subprime Plan to Critical Crowd
The unveiling of President Bush's foreclosure relief plan was announced yesterday as foreclosure rates reached a record high of 0.78%. According to the White House, the plan could help as many as 1.2 million distressed homeowners. The relief plan will include a five-year freeze on adjustable rate ...
Help for Victims of Foreclosure - The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007 (HR 3648)
The "Sub Prime Mortgage Crisis" has claimed many victims. Subprime adjustable-rate mortgages represented just 7% of all loans, but made up 43% of loans entering the foreclosure process in the third quarter. High powered investors who bought into Structured Investment Vehicles (SIVs) that were ...
Foreclosure Investing Lesson at a Hockey Game
You'd be amazed where you'll learn things about how to be a better foreclosure investor. This article is about a real estate investing lesson I learned at, of all places, a hockey game. I?m a huge Colorado Avalanche fan and I attend every single play-off game that the Avalanche play in Denver. In ...
Why the Rates of Foreclosures is on the Rise - An Ideal Opportunity to Start Real Estate Investing
The rate of foreclosures has risen to historic levels. It was projected that 2 million homeowners will lose their homes to foreclosure by the end of this year, according to the Center for Responsible Lending. The two questions to ask about this financial phenomena are (1) why are foreclosure rates ...