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Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Top 7 Tips When Buying a HUD Foreclosure
HUD homes offer many buyers the chance to purchase their home with built in equity, and allows investors some fantastic deals, as well. When the foreclosure rate is particularly high, as it is in 2007, HUD?s inventory swells, and there are deals to be made. HUD deals are very different from ...
Making Dallas Foreclosures Work For You
In November of 2006, according to the RealtyTrac? U.S. Metropolitan Foreclosure Market Report, RealtyTrac? U.S. Metropolitan Foreclosure Market Report the number Dallas foreclosures rose 67%, and the eight counties surrounding Dallas saw a new foreclosure for every two hundred and eighty-six ...
The Education of the Homeowner
The current foreclosure crisis is affecting millions of homeowners nationwide. Unfortunately, most homeowners are uneducated regarding the foreclosure process in their respective states. It is the duty of the mortgage company to provide the homeowner with all possible information regarding ...
Texas Foreclosure Homes
Texas is filled with big spenders and big winners, as well as big losers. The recent real-estate boom in Texas is currently experiencing its inevitable crash. The people who, a few years back, bit off more than they could chew, are flooding the Texas real estate market with huge bargains. Texas ...
Timeline for Foreclosure - How Much Time You Have To Save Your Home Depends on Your State Laws
The timeline for foreclosure depends on the laws of your individual state. For instance, foreclosures can occur as quickly as 30 days in Alabama and take up to 10 months in Delaware. This article gives you the approximate timeline for foreclosure in each state. Alabama - 30-60 days Alaska - 90 days ...
Stop Foreclosure in Texas and Sell Your Home Fast
If you want to stop foreclosure in Texas, you must act fast. That's because Texas has the least forgiving foreclosure laws out of all the states in the U.S. Under Texas law, if you miss a single mortgage payment, the bank can call the entire loan due immediately. In most other states, the homeowner ...
Texas Bankruptcy Laws Are Liberal For Debtors
Texas bankruptcy laws are not the same as in other states. Therefore, if you want the court to give judgment in your favor, make sure that you are aware of these laws and know when and how to use the same. Texas Bankruptcy Courts Texas has the specific set of laws that are followed by the courts in ...
Stop Foreclosure In Houston - You Can Save Your Home!
To stop foreclosure in Houston, TX, you should be aware that the laws of foreclosure will vary state by state. Texas has its own foreclosure laws and timeline. It's very important to become familiar with these laws and understand your rights as a homeowner to help you stop the foreclosure from ...
Foreclosure Loopholes - How They Do It
Those skilled in all the nuances of real estate transactions can trade their ways to millions, if not billions, of dollars, and many of them do so by specializing in foreclosure loopholes. The number of foreclosures in the US has grown at a record pace since 2005, as more and more homeowners with ...
Understanding Foreclosure in Texas - A Guide to for Distressed Homeowner
When a Texas homeowner stops making mortgage payments, he can go into foreclosure. Understanding foreclosure in Texas means knowing the specific laws which govern real estate in the Lone Star state. There is a general process that a foreclosure goes through: 1. Homeowner misses payments 2. Notice ...