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Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
A New Career in the Foreclosure Business
This Article is a follow-up to our previous article on "Foreclosure Victims Helping Foreclosure Victims," also available on, which examined the possibility of former foreclosure victims using their experience to help other homeowners in similar situations. This one will focus more ...
Stop Foreclosure Through Private Equity Investments
As more stories come out every day about the sinking housing market and rising interest rates, the amount of homeowners who have missed more than one mortgage payment is increasing by large numbers. It is in an environment such as this that both homeowners and investors can pool their resources to ...
Short Sale Questions
The main stream media continues to be rich with stories about the struggling real estate market, here in the Sacramento area as well as across the country. They generally revolve around the increasing number of foreclosures, the mortgage crisis and now some of the government programs that may or ...
Are Greedy Mortgage Brokers Responsible for the Foreclosure Crisis?
There have been a growing number of stories in the news about homeowners suing their former mortgage brokers over the loan that they were given. Lawyers, as usual, are seeking out victims in order to drag more people into the court system and attempt to wring money out of them, rather than actually ...
The Mortgage Forgiveness Bill Of 2007 - Will It Raise Or Lower Your Taxes?
One of the most controversial and paradoxical real estate and mortgage finance stories to hit the media in recent weeks was that of a newly crafted real estate tax bill - the so-called Mortgage Forgiveness Bill of 2007. The bill, which may help you hold onto your money if you face foreclosure but ...
Flipping For Property In Wisconsin? Find Properties Below Market Value On Wisconsin Foreclosure List
We all have seen the television shows and read the rags to riches stories about 'flipping' houses. Many expert 'flippers' begin their search for house bargains by using a Wisconsin foreclosure listing service. Wisconsin foreclosure listings can be found on the internet, in the newspapers and by ...
Buying Foreclosures: Can You Really Make Money Buying Foreclosures?
We have all seen the late night infomercials featuring the guy who bought a foreclosure for $40,000 and sold it a week later for $75,000. These stories can certainly get people excited. Considering the costs involved and the associated risks, can you really make money buying foreclosures? Let's ...
Epidemic - Renters Forced Out By Foreclosure
Renters beware - or prepare. How many renters out there have been forced out of their home, often not long after moving in, because the home gets foreclosed on? I'm hearing a lot of these stories. The paper had an article on it today. What surprises me still, is that 3 years into this mess, ...
What is a Real Estate Short Sale?
The term "real estate short sale" is being bandied about more and more as of late. Read the newspapers, or turn on the TV and the odds are high that you will come across stories about declining real estate market conditions and the increasing willingness of banks and other financial institutions to ...
Does the Housing Market Affect Property Flipping Success?
Every news story in print these days related to the real estate and housing market seems to predict disaster. Home prices diving, out of this world foreclosure rates, mortgage meltdowns, and stagnating market stories govern the headlines. As a real estate entrepreneur, shouldn't this news keep you ...