Search results: government help with mortgage information
Articles on government help with mortgage from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Will Government Programs Help Homeowners Reclaim Their Houses After Foreclosure?
With all of the talk of new government programs to help homeowners in foreclosure, such as Hope Now and Project Lifeline, slightly more people in danger of losing their homes may have an extra option. At the very least, media coverage of these programs may inform more owners that it would be best ...
House Passes Comprehensive Housing Package
The U.S. House of Representatives has now passed the most comprehensive bill designed to help the American mortgage crisis. The American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act (H.R. 3221) will now respond directly to the current crisis facing the middle class Americans while providing ...
Understanding Subprime Lending And Its Implications To The Current Graduate Student
IN THE BEGINNING In a manner similar to the numerous economic crises before it, the subprime lending bust actually began decades before anyone knew it. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 pushed banks to extend more credit in communities where they operated. This drew many lenders to ...
What Do Government Foreclosure Proposals Mean to the Average Homeowner?
America is facing a crisis. The cornerstone of our capitalistic economy is being chiseled away by the current foreclosure crisis. In Texas, families of five are being ripped out of their homes. In California, homeowners are pawning heirlooms to stem foreclosure. In Massachusetts, widows are being ...
Under The Radar Bailout Of The Banks Paid For By Foreclosure Victims
Although there have been numerous proposals put forward by Congress in order to fix the housing crisis, most of them have so far proven ineffective or are blatant bailouts to corporations. The politicians have been churning out one propaganda piece after another under the label of "foreclosure help ...
Who Can Expect a Federal Government Mortgage Bailout? And Who Will Pay For It?
There is a lot of talk among blogs, news media, and even just people in general of a bailout coming from the federal government to help homeowners in foreclosure. The problem with this kind of talk is that many of the debaters seem to believe that they will be given a choice or any kind of input ...
Congress Aims to Make Things Easier for Borrowers
The government is doing all that it can to help high risk borrowers secure mortgage loans and a recent piece of legislation is evidence of that. With the Federal Reserve Board taking steps to cut federal interest rates recently, the United States House of Representatives is looking to help out sub ...
Successful Loan Modification - Can You Do It Yourself?
I recently visited a popular online forum with information on loan modifications. Many of the people posting messages have adjustable subprime mortgages and are now desperately seeking solutions to their increased payments. The titles of the posts include, ?I am Scared? ?What a Mess I Got Myself ...
A Bit Conflicted On Mortgage Bailouts
At times like these I find myself conflicted. You see, for most of my life I've held the view that government should be small and the free market allowed to take care of itself. Confirming that point of view was the fact that at 32 I'd held the same job for 12 years and been with my wife just as ...
What Government Agency Oversees Reverse Mortgages
Most mortgages in the United States are lent through private banks, but there is a government agency that oversees them ? so what government agency oversees reverse mortgages? The government agency that oversees reverse mortgages is the same one that oversees many traditional mortgages ? the ...