Search results: help for consumers with homes in foreclosure information
Articles on help for consumers with homes in foreclosure from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
FHA Secure Loans - Foreclosure
WHAT IS FHA Secure FHA Secure is designed specifically to address the needs of homeowners who are now facing inevitable foreclosure as result of mortgage payments adjusting beyond their means of affordability. WHO IS ELIGIBLE To qualify for FHA Secure, and include the delinquent loan payments, ...
So You Think You're Safe From Foreclosure? Foreclosure Affects Everyone
So you have read, heard, or know of someone affected by the current foreclosure crisis. You may have felt sad or sorry when you noticed that your neighbor, family, or friend had lost their home due to foreclosure, and you may had even said, "Boy I am glad it was not me." It may not have personally ...
Helping Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure
Our jobs go beyond helping people buy and sell homes. It doesn't make sense to help a person purchase a home that will eventually end in foreclosure. Which is why it's also our job to help homeowners and future home buyers avoid facing foreclosure, or a mortgage payment they just ocan't afford. By ...
Are You Tied Up In The Subprime Housing Mess?
Interesting question, and you may be wondering if the subprime housing mess may be affecting you. It you don't understand what this means, well let me give you some information to increase your knowledge on this subject. For the most part subprime lending is also known as second chance or b-paper ...
Foreclosure Fields
Without question, this economy faces risks of recession; shaky economic signs abound. One indicator of the housing market, permits issued for new homes, has slid to the lowest level in 12 years. And that affects demand for everything consumers buy to furnish new homes, from furniture to appliances. ...
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy - Stop Mortgage Foreclosure
Stop Foreclosure Yes, you can save your home! Using the chapter 13 can strategically help you cure your mortgage default, protect your equity and eliminate your other debts to help you right the ship. Several years ago, we saw a boom in mortgage lenders offering low adjustable rate mortgages (ARMS) ...
Understanding Subprime Lending And Its Implications To The Current Graduate Student
IN THE BEGINNING In a manner similar to the numerous economic crises before it, the subprime lending bust actually began decades before anyone knew it. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 pushed banks to extend more credit in communities where they operated. This drew many lenders to ...
How to Avoid Being Victimized When Shopping for Your First Mortgage Loan
Given the dire news emanating from the mortgage and real estate markets these days, setting out to purchase your first home can inspire a great deal of anxiety. With so many headlines about predatory lending and record high foreclosures, many young families are steering clear of the mortgage market ...
Investing In A Down Market
All investments depend on making returns, which in turn are affected by macro cycles such as the Great Depression or the dot-com boom. When a market is receding, it makes more sense for long-term, stability-seeking investors to look elsewhere upon first glance. However, in the case of the housing ...
The Advantages of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often their best option for debtors who decide to stop collection efforts from their creditors but still want to repay their debts. People who have fallen behind in their mortgage payments often choose this option because it allows them a chance to "catch up" before their ...