Search results: help me save my house a12x2m information
Articles on help me save my house a12x2m from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Solving The Mortgage Puzzle
Something struck me yesterday after I got asked the question that all of us have been asked before, ?What exactly does a Mortgage Broker or Loan Officer do?? Most Mortgage folks say things like, ?I do mortgages?; ?I sell money?; ?I help people get their dream house.? But my thought process, because ...
How To Become Wealthier, Faster Investing In Real Estate
Having rehabbed over 521 properties in the last nine years and collected over 3000 apartment units I?m often asked, how can I become wealthier faster investing in real estate? While most investors concentrate on some aspect of single-family houses, I was always interested in apartment houses first, ...
How To Buy Foreclosures Safely?
When buying a foreclosed as a bargain look for the reason or reasons of the low price: * Motivated seller by loss of income or family problems: * Poor house physical condition; * Problems in the neighborhood. You want a house from a motivated seller only. From purchase timing point of view there ...
A Few Fallacies and Facts About Foreclosure
There are many misunderstandings concerning the issue of foreclosure. Unfortunately these misconceptions have lead many homeowners to take all the wrong actions in trying to stop the foreclosure process which ultimately causes them to lose their homes. Below are a few of the myths that seem to ...
Living in Harmony: Dealing with Dreadful Neighbors
Having bad neighbors is unavoidable. From the nicest suburbs to the shabbiest areas of the city, the possibility that you'll have an annoying person living in close proximity to you is very high. The fact that neighbors sometimes can't get along is a common people problem and you'd better know how ...
The 5 Money Making Advantages Of Multi-Unit Investing
Having rehabbed over 700 properties in the last seven years and collected over 3200 apartment units I?m often asked, how can I become wealthier faster investing in real estate? While most investors concentrate on some aspect of single family houses, I was always interested in multi-units ...
5 Things You Should Know Before You Flip A Property
1. Money is made at the buy, not the sell of your flip. When flipping a house your money is made at the purchase not at the sell of the house. So, many times people buy a house with the intensions of making a huge profit only to find out that they could not make any money after all the renovations ...
Assistance in the Foreclosure Process
I receive an extraordinary number of phone calls and emails from people that want to learn how to save their homes or save their credit. Why am I getting all of the phone calls? What do I ask the callers and can I really do anything to help them? The Market According to the Daily Real Estate News, ...
Overcoming The Threat Of Foreclosure And How To Save Your Home - A Christian Perspective
One can hardly escape the news that appears by the minute on radio, TV, the internet, in print, and around the water cooler, that there are quite a few people in trouble with their mortgages today. The reasons for why they are in that position are for another time and place. What I would like to ...
Passive Income Doesn't Require (Much) Work!
If I tell you that you can get a good monthly income without any work, you would not and should not, believe me. However, the idea of passive income, where something continues to bring in money on a regular basis, is something we encounter every day. Any downloaded software or music that costs ...