Search results: home sales information a12x2m information
Articles on home sales information a12x2m from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
5 Things Sellers Wish Their Realtor Would Have Told Them
1. I am newly licensed. Everyone has to start somewhere. The super star agents of today were, at some point, brand spanking new. Often, however, sellers never ask nor are told the experience level of the associate who shows up at their door with contracts, for-sale signs and a nervous smile. ...
Tips to Help You Sell Your Own Home
Choosing to sell your own home places you in the role of the real estate agent for your property with the benefit of allowing you to keep the commission you would normally have to pay a real estate agent to sell your home. This commission fee can be up to 6% of the total sales price of your home in ...
The House Next Door - What Did It Sell For?
So you are ready to buy a house and the time as come to make an offer. It sounds simple enough, but many people find themselves baffled by how much they should really offer and how they will go about determining that amount. Of course you already know the seller's asking price. If you don't mind ...
The real estate sales business, like all other businesses in the world, is in a techno-revolution. The new technology in the world has created tremendous changes and growth in our industry. Agents and companies are dramatically changing the way they do business to take advantage of this vast new ...
7 Common Mistakes you Need to Avoid when Selling your Home
Are you a home owner contemplating the Selling your Home? Before you take the plunge, make sure you read the following common mistakes of ordinary FSBO/Private home sellers. If you're not (FSBO home seller), MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS too - it could still help you sell your home. These mistakes are a ...
Acquiring Knowledge About Your Marketplace
Think of your marketplace as your playing field, not unlike an athlete views a football field, basketball court, or hockey rink. The better you know every inch of that playing field, the more you can exploit it to your advantage. Before I became a REALTORĀ®, in my early twenties, I was a racquetball ...
How To Sell Your House
The spring market is right around the corner. The national sales are down. The foreclosure rates are at a all time high. These are grabbing the front pages of media giants across the country. I have wrote a few articles last year to help people with preparing their houses for sale. I will try to ...
Realizing the Favorable Buyer For Real Estate Sales
A capable real estate agent who is attempting to make real estate sales, will only show the property to buyers who are considered pre-qualified. As the seller of your "for sale by owner" home, before you ever think about signing the sales contract, you must have the buyer pre-qualified. One of the ...
Pricing Your Home as For Sale by Owner
Ok, so you have decided to be a For Sale By Owner. Congratulations! This sell it yourself method will save you money. I want to give you 4 tips on pricing your home. These are effective ways to arrive at a fair price. 1) Have 2 or 3 real estate agents analyze the value of your home. Have the agents ...
Farming in Real Estate - Farming Can Still Be A Useful Tool In Meeting New Prospects In Real Estate
Farming has been used by realtors since the 1950's. That was the period when real estate offices began to open all over the United States. These offices had agents who would compete for the listing and sales of homes. Information was kept on 3 X 5 index cards and sales contracts were only one page ...