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Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Making Subprime Mortgages Illegal?
With all of the furor over the subprime mortgage debacle, a number of individuals and groups are taking a closer look at the loans that made the mess possible. Adjustable rate mortgages, interest only loans, and their variations are estimated at $3.5 trillion now, and they are partly to blame for ...
Real Estate Investing - Tips To Keep You Legal And Out Of Prison
Flipping houses, for new investors is a great way to get starting in real estate. In today's market, foreclosures are a great place to start when looking for potential investment properties. Foreclosures are at record highs across the United States, therefore opening the door to another increase in ...
Credit Tip - Many Collection Agencies Are Not Properly Licensed To Collect Or Sue You
This article is not going to be about foreclosure, per se , like so many of my other articles focus on directly, but as many homeowners also fall behind on other bills during a financial hardship, collections and foreclosure seem to go hand in hand. While taking care of the housing situation should ...
Foreclosure Properties Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Foreclosure properties in Baton Rouge, Louisiana are completed only through the legal process. It takes about 6 to 9 months for the entire process to complete. In this state it is illegal to include the power of sale clause in the mortgage agreement, and even if it has been included by the lender, ...
Official Rescue Plans May Boost Foreclosure Investment Profits
In some towns and cities where the number of foreclosures is especially high, local governments view the presence of so many vacant houses as a threat for potential fires, accidents, acts of vandalism or illegal squatters. So they support the kinds of legislation that will help them turn these ...
How To Save Your House From Foreclosure By Using A Lease Purchase Agreement
If you're one of the 1.2 million plus homeowners facing foreclosure right now, there is one technique that could be your salvation. This amazing strategy allows you to prevent foreclosure and rescue the equity in your home rather than forfeit it to the bank. If you're not able to pay your mortgage ...
How To Buy Preforeclosures
If you have been wondering how to buy preforeclosures, there are a number of ways. Hopefully this article will seek to demystify some of the misconceptions, skepticism, and fears that people generally have about preforeclosure real estate investing. Misconception #1: Preforeclosure investing is ...
Can You Really Afford That Mortgage?
Remember all those crazy adjustable mortgage rate deals a few years ago? Good thing you weren't one of those schmucks, right? Many excited young couples leapt on to the ARM bandwagon, enticed by low rates and less money down. Now the word of the day is "foreclosure". With so many people bailing out ...
Minnesota Responds To The Rising Foreclosure Rates By Issing 3-1-1 Hotline
Home mortgage foreclosure listings are becoming novel-length nationwide. Minneapolis is not exempt from this housing market dilemna. Many, many neighborhoods are touched with a property in preforeclosure or foreclosure. Minnesota is putting into effect a call 3-1-1 hotline for those homewoners who ...
Real Estate Investing - How To Choose The Perfect Tenant
Many investors are not interested in becoming a landlord; unfortunately, unless they have another stream of income, investing in real estate requires financial support from somewhere. Investors that are not open to becoming a landlord may be losing money. There are some basic guidelines to be an ...