Search results: ohio foreclosure help information
Articles on ohio foreclosure help from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
How Communities Can Use The Foreclosure Crisis To Benefit The People
The ongoing slow collapse of the US economy and bursting of the housing bubble will present unique opportunities for small communities. While Congress is debating over the best way to present how they steal money from the general public and send it off to the banks, local neighborhoods on city and ...
Foreclosures Rise 30 Percent - How Does Your State Rank?
Third quarter 2007 results are in and not looking good for the real estate market. Foreclosures continue to rise across the nation. The largest contributor to the increase in the rate is adjustable rate mortgages. Between 2004 and 2006 adjustable rate mortgages were given to just about anyone who ...
Foreclosure Scam Artists Are Still Looking For New Victims - What Can You Do To Protect Yourself?
Falling behind on monthly mortgage payments has to be the #1 thing homeowners dread experiencing. No one intends to let this happen, but life is often unpredictable and throws us for a loop. Job loss, death, and illness are the primary reasons people experience financial strain. This in turn often ...
Why the Rates of Foreclosures is on the Rise - An Ideal Opportunity to Start Real Estate Investing
The rate of foreclosures has risen to historic levels. It was projected that 2 million homeowners will lose their homes to foreclosure by the end of this year, according to the Center for Responsible Lending. The two questions to ask about this financial phenomena are (1) why are foreclosure rates ...
Surprisingly Shocking Foreclosure Truths Revealed
Take even a cursory perusal of the financial headlines lately and you'll be inundated with tales of the so called "mortgage crisis" and of people loosing their properties to foreclosure. The situation is actually quite dire in many parts of the country, as this recent ranking of the top states for ...
Foreclosure Scams
Are you a victim of a foreclosure scam? More and more companies claiming to help people beat foreclosure are popping up everywhere, and unfortunately, many of them are just scamming their victims out of thousands of dollars and not doing a thing to help them. Recent evidence shows that foreclosures ...
The Mortgage Liberator - Foreclosure Help? Learn to Ride to Your Own Rescue
The state of Ohio has helped some homeowners avoid foreclosure by cobbling together state and county emergency funds. But the $3 million put aside for assistance will hardly heal the subprime loan crisis. And while state and local officials have conceded that a slowing economy has contributed to ...
Take This Tough Market and Turn It
So we have all been reading and watching the statistics of our current real estate market. Its been gloomy and dreary all places of our nation. Clouds reaching even in the once brightest and strongest of markets. What does this all mean, will it ever bounce back? If so, when? Many have been asking ...
Assistance in the Foreclosure Process
I receive an extraordinary number of phone calls and emails from people that want to learn how to save their homes or save their credit. Why am I getting all of the phone calls? What do I ask the callers and can I really do anything to help them? The Market According to the Daily Real Estate News, ...
Foreclosures Up Nearly a Hundred Percent
According to MSN Real Estate, the number of homes entering into to foreclosure has jumped nearly 100% since last year as efforts to stem the surge have come too little too late, with a sizable jump in the number of homes completing the foreclosure process and being taken back by the bank, also ...