Search results: savings and loan bailout information
Articles on savings and loan bailout from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Help to Stop Foreclosure from Family and Friends
Possibly the most overlooked way to stop foreclosure is for a friend or family member to purchase the property that is being foreclosed and allow the original homeowners to remain living there, and this is a much better option than the tried-and-true "beg, borrow, or steal" alternative. In essence, ...
Understanding Subprime Lending And Its Implications To The Current Graduate Student
IN THE BEGINNING In a manner similar to the numerous economic crises before it, the subprime lending bust actually began decades before anyone knew it. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 pushed banks to extend more credit in communities where they operated. This drew many lenders to ...
Mortgage Borrowers Voted Off Fantasy Island
Three million Americans' losing their homes is only the beginning of the "mortgage apocalypse" created by dreamers with an instant gratification habit and lenders greedy to "hook them up." I'm irate over the suggestion of a national rescue fund to bail out homebuyers in over their heads. Subprime ...
Consumers' ARMs Twisting
Approximately 65% of the licensed mortgage brokers in business today have less than 5 years of experience. These loan originators were taught how to get people qualified under the most profitable program available. These inexperienced originators were focused on the transaction today, not the ...
The Danger of Being Turned Down for a Foreclosure Loss Mitigation Repayment Plan
Possibly the most recommended way to avoid a foreclosure is for the homeowners to work out an arrangement with their lender to get their payments back on track. Almost every news story, article, and foreclosure blog tell foreclosure victims to call their bank as soon as they miss a payment and try ...
Has Foreclosure Wrecked My Credit Score?
Have you gone through the harrowing experience of seeing your house foreclosed? You need some good credit repair advice so you could get a future mortgage to repossess your old home or buy a new one. You will find plenty of credit repair advice on the Net as well as offline. The important thing is ...
The Fed Rate and Your Home Loan - Is There a Connection?
How are home loan rates determined? A common question I hear from my clients is if a drop in the Fed rate will lower the home loan interest rates. The short answer is no, in fact home loan rates tend to fall prior to a Fed rate cut and rise after it is announced. That leaves the question of exactly ...
Avoid Home Foreclosure By Refinancing Your Mortgage Loan
Foreclosure mortgage loans can prevent mortgage foreclosure by letting homeowners refinance their existing mortgage. Homeowners may also qualify for a home equity loan or second mortgage to pay off their outstanding debt owed. If you are facing foreclosure and have tried other options without any ...
Best Mortgage Shopping Techniques
When considering purchasing property utilizing a mortgage loan or refinancing a home with a mortgage loan, it is wise to shop. However, there are many confusing issues and industry terminology that can prevent the prospective borrower from finding that best rate at the least cost. The following is ...
Subprime Bailouts Met With Mixed Emotions
With foreclosures up nearly 100% since last year, the state of the mortgage crisis is now being dubbed as "Mortgage Meltdown 2007" by media outlets like and The unprecedented decline in the United States housing market is shaking lenders, home owners, and financial institutions ...