Search results: short sale realtor information
Articles on short sale realtor from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Basic Steps To Follow For A Successful Short Sale
Here are the basics steps to follow for a successful short sale: Try to find a Realtor experienced in short sales. There isn't a basic training course for short sales so look for someone with experience. 1. Most banks are requiring your property be listed for at least 60 to 90 days before they will ...
Six Steps to a Successful Short Sale
A short sale is where the sales price of the property is less than what the seller still owes and the lender is willing to accept less than they are owed. Why would a lender agree to a short sale? Mortgage lenders are in the business of making loans not owning property. When a loan is in default, ...
Conducting A Short Sale
It is no secret that the real estate market has been a bit bumpy as late. Many homeowners find that the home they purchased has declined in value. In addition to this variable rate mortgages have caused many of these home owners to be faced with higher house payments than they can afford. The ...
Foreclosure May Not Be Your Only Option
I get it. I have been there. You are dangerously behind in your mortgage payments and you can't seem to catch up. You're getting the letters and phone calls that lead you to believe that you have no other option. Foreclosure seems eminent. That's not necessarily the case. The mortgage company ...
Short Sale Questions
The main stream media continues to be rich with stories about the struggling real estate market, here in the Sacramento area as well as across the country. They generally revolve around the increasing number of foreclosures, the mortgage crisis and now some of the government programs that may or ...
What Are The Steps In a Short Sale
There are hundreds of steps to successfully completing a short sale. That's why its' important to have a knowledgeable Realtor on your side. It takes an incredible amount of time, effort, and expertise to negotiate with the lender and get the job done.Here is a brief overview of the steps to a ...
Short Sale - What Your Realtor Needs to Know
Most lenders require that the home be listed before they will consider a short sale. They want to be sure the home has been exposed to buyers and an attempt has been made to obtain a contract at today's market value. It is important for the borrower to work with a Realtor who is experienced in ...
How To Lose Your Shorts When Listing A Home For Sale, It Is Not A Short Sale!
A recent listing went on the market up the street from my home. As most curious homeowners do you want to learn what the asking price is to gauge where the market is headed or how that home compares to yours etc... Well this home was priced well below market it's coming up "Short". No it is not a ...
How To Ensure A Successful Short Sale Through This Essential But Overlooked Step
Convincing a real estate broker to set a low BPO The key to a successful short sale rests on three letters: BPO. BPO stands for "broker price opinion." A BPO is an assessment of a property's value. The lender selects a real estate broker to evaluate the property and report back with an estimated ...
Today's Real Estate Reality
Short sale. What is all the buzz about? This is an unfortunate and rapidly growing phenomenon that many homeowners are currently asking and wondering about. Is it something that can help me? What is a 'short sale?? It is a negotiation between a homeowner and their mortgage lender. Briefly, the bank ...